A 22 foot Arctic Fox with an amazing Solar Power system
Precision RV works on all types of RVs, from the smallest rigs to the largest. If you’re looking for RV power alternatives and solar is on your mind, we can accommodate your needs. For instance, our latest RV Solar Power installation was on a 22 foot Arctic Fox travel trailer.
RV size does matter
The size of your RV will impact what you can and can’t do when it comes to your RV power plant. The more energy you want, the more we will consume space in your RV. Both energy production and energy storage require space. Space for solar panels, space for controllers, inverters, and of course your battery plant.
The starting point is of course your roof space. In the case of the 22 foot Arctic Fox we just finished with, the number of solar panels we could work with was limited. The air conditioner takes a fair amount of space, the satellite dish on the roof, roof vents, and a few other items limited our workable area. So from our starting point, we knew we’d have some limitations.
From the spacial restrictions of the roof we move on to the interior spacial restrictions. The RV owner is just starting out “full-timing,” and he’s still adjusting to working within a smaller space. With that in mind, storage is always an issue for RV’ers, and given the RV power plant he was looking for, we had some decisions to make.

Marvin Braun of Precision RV setting up solar panels on a 22 foot Arctic Fox
With the advent of Lithium Batteries for RV solar power we have more options when it comes to working with small spaces. Lithiums can be stored inside of your RV safely. They also take less space compared to AGM batteries. Additionally, lithium battery packs are much lighter than AGM batteries. And there’s the added benefit that lithium batteries recharge much faster than acid glass mats (AGMs). With all of that in mind, lithium batteries were chosen for this job.
In the end power storage, the charge controller, and a hybrid inverter were all easy enough to fit under the couch in the Arctic Fox. The equipment took some of the client’s storage away, but it took less room than a more traditional setup. Therefore, a big factor in minimizing the physical size of the battery plant was the use of the Lithium Ion batteries.
Ready for some boondocking
With the new RV solar powered system installed, our customer is ready for some serious boondocking. He’s still settling into his style of full-time travel, and he’ll now be learning a little more about power management. Even working with a smaller RV, Precision RV was able to deliver a high end system to our customer.
Note: If you click on any image in the gallery below it will take you to a slide show that you can look through to see this installation from start to finish!
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