An RV Solar Installation from Precision RV opens up a world of camping possibilities!
We haven’t had much time to update the blog over the past few weeks. Precision RV has been busy working with customers instead! Blog or work with customers? We always opt to work with our RV Solar Installation customers first. The blog gets updated when we have a little down time.
Over the course of this summer we’ve worked on many different types of RVs. And the majority of our time has been spend on RV solar installation work, which is normal for us. Precision RV is known for our RV solar installation expertise, from panel installation to battery controllers, battery monitors, inverter installation work, and more. We offer the full package from start to finish for our clients when it comes to installing solar in their RV’s.
With all of that said, we receive a lot of praise from our clients. And today we wanted to share two quick notes we’ve received from our RV solar installation customers.
Susan, one of our many happy RV solar installation customers
Suzanne here from last Tuesday….
I just want to tell you again how much I appreciate all the information you gave me, along with your patience and great listening skills. It was really a pleasure having you do my install.
I am so so so so loving the freedom of my new set-up! For someone who “doesn’t like data,” I have surely almost worn the paint off the buttons on the remote, checking to see what is happening. Haha! I haven’t been plugged in since I left there last week, even with all this rain! It seems the sun manages to peek out just long enough in the afternoon to get me back to 100%.
As I mentioned, I am a blogger, so I though you might like to see my write-up on my install.
We get a lot of responses from our customers. And the work we do on their RV’s leads to their enjoyment of the RV lifestyle. We’re very happy to help folks out, as we are also Full Time RV’ers as well. And we know the benefits of having solar on your rig.
Here’s one more recent e-mail we received from a client we worked with this year…..
Bob’s first outing with his new RV solar setup
I finally had a chance to try out the new solar system you installed. My wife didn’t go on this trip so it was just me for three days. I parked at 7700 feet elevation overlooking a lake. The weather was mostly cloudy with occasional rain and thunder during all three days. So, I was concerned how well the system could recharge the batteries.
Because of the weather I started off cautiously and watched the meters regularly. I only needed to use the microwave once during the trip. I watched DirectTV for maybe two hours each night and the LED lights as required. I used the 12 volt outlet to charge my cell phone. The only real power consumption came from using the microwave (113 amphr). The temperature at night got down to 50 degrees but I never needed to use the furnace. I also have a propane blue flame heater (without a fan) to supplement or eliminate the need for the furnace. At the end of the trip I felt like this would be pretty close to my usual power usage.
Wow, was I amazed how well the system performed considering the weather. I am so glad I followed your advice! The lowest the battery capacity got was 91% and every evening when I returned from fishing it was back up to 100%. With normal weather I am confident the system could handle most if not all of my wife’s power needs.
Thanks for a fantastic solar system! I am looking forward to many more trips without the need for any hookups.
Is it time for your own RV solar installation?
If you’re ready to get off the grid, get in touch with us. From simple systems for small travel trailers to high end systems for the biggest Class A motorhomes, Precision RV has experience with it all! We’re working with the latest technology when it comes to your RV’s power. Hybrid Intverters, lithium ion batteries, Battery Managment Systems, and more. Feel free to contact us today regarding your needs!
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